There are two sides to migration:
1) Gather information about your system (if you have more than 1 and your environment is homogeneous then you are more likely to succeed as this will prevent odd situations popping up)
2) Installing the software/OS.
I'm not going to write about collecting hardware information, as this information is readily available.
My preferred setup is to use Debian (and tempted to switch to Arch with it's versionless operating system)
- LVM for block devices, BTRFS as FS (reached stable core code about a year ago so decided to give it a go)
- Installation was done with a netinstall iso - testing branch as it has more recent software and don't mind the occasional bug as long as it does not crash X which rarely does in testing.
- XFCE 4.1 as DE and lightdm as WM
- Reason for XFCE is that I wanted to have a familiar interface. There are other distros that are great though and minimalistic like crunchbang which uses Openbox
Getting the system online needs to have this in mind:
- am I using a router with a private IP address space
- am I directly connected
-- am I connected via a PPPoE connection (DSL, Cable)
-- am I connecting through a 3G/4G modem (Vodafone, Orange, etc)
In most cases network-manager will handle this for you. Even though XFCE has a NM I advise to use the gnome one network-manager-gnome. Meh.. it does the job and has all the features.
To be continued...

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